Happy Mother’s Day (tomorrow) to the moms out there, from all of us at KC Needlepoint!

We hope you have an opportunity to curl up with some stitching, relax and enjoy your special day.

To help celebrate everything that you do, we are sharing a free stitch guide on our blog for a project that we know you will love. 

This “Make good choices” kit with canvas by SCT Designs is a perfect project for stitchers of all experience levels. If you’ve never done decorative stitches before, this is a great opportunity to try them out. If you’re a more experienced stitcher, this is a project you can toss in your purse and work on while you’re helping with homework or waiting in the pickup line for your children. 
(Of course, it goes without saying that if you’re not a mom, you are more than welcome to join in the fun and stitch with us, too!)
Read on... stitch with us and share your progress on social media by tagging us @KCNeedlepoint and using #KCNeedlepoint on Instagram. We can’t wait to see what you do with it!
Make Good Choices
SCT Designs- KCD1132
Suggested Threads:
Planet Earth
Pepper Pot Silk   Color Quantity
#002 Salt Quantity 1
#113 Snorkel Quantity 1
#145 Navy Quantity 1

Rainbow Gallery
Neon Rays Plus  Color Quantity
#NP02 White Quantity 1
Silk Lame Braid for 18 OR 13  Color Quantity
#SL247 Pink Quantity 1
#LB247 Pink Quantity 1 

Let’s Get Started Stitching!
Scotch Stitches are one of our favorite first decorative stitches to teach. We find ourselves coming back to them time and time again on different canvases.

Scotch Stitches look like little squares and are cousins to the Mosaic and Cashmere Stitches. They are great stitches for buildings and bricks and will fit on any square painted on your canvas three canvas threads wide by three canvas threads tall. 
Today we will learn both the Scotch Stitch and the Reverse Scotch Stitch. Any “reverse” stitch that you come across in your stitching will simply be the mirror image of the original. In this case, our stitches will slant towards the upper left as opposed to the upper right. 

 White Squares
Scotch Stitch  Pepper Pot Silk #002 Salt 1 Thread

As you stitch the white squares, pay attention to leave the white border surrounding the pink lettering unstitched. 
 Dark Blue Squares
Scotch Stitch  Pepper Pot Silk #145 Navy 1 Thread 

Medium Blue Squares
Scotch Stitch  Pepper Pot Silk #113 Snorkel 1 Thread 
 Add in the lettering!

White area surrounding letters
Tent Stitch  Neon Rays Plus #NP02 1 Thread 
If you’ve never heard of Tent Stitch before, it’s just another term for the most basic needlepoint stitch. You can work this section in either Basketweave or Continental Stitch- whichever is more comfortable for you!
Hot Pink letters
Tent Stitch/Reverse Tent Stitch Silk Lamé Braid #SL247 OR #LB247 1 Thread 

For our pink letters we are going to use a combination of both Reverse Tent Stitch and Tent Stitch. Much like our Reverse Scotch Stitch, our Reverse Tent Stitch is going to flip direction and point towards the upper left corner of your canvas. 

As you stitch your letters, use predominantly Tent Stitch and flip the direction of the stitch to Reverse Tent Stitch wherever you want to smooth out the curve of the line. This will make your letters more legible in the canvas. 

 Take a look at the diagram below to see both stitches: 

As always, if there’s a stitch in here that you’re not comfortable with or isn’t a personal favorite, feel free to change it up! If you decide that decorative stitches aren’t for you, all the threads in your kit can be used to Basketweave the project. 
Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Stitching!

KC Needlepoint